The handling of dangerous goods requires professional and safe handling. The legally required transport regulations for dangerous goods demand clear obligations for all involved (ADR Chapter 1.4)

The professional handling is often complicated.

  • We advise you
    Your company is on the safe side,
    • because we continuously ensure that you adhered the dangerous good regulations.
    • because you can respond immediately to deficiencies and get them under control
    • because we are immediately available in case of problems
  • We arrange training
    Your colleagues are on the safe side
    • because you can correctly identify and classify dangerous goods
    • because you use suitable packing materials and means of transport for the shipping of dangerous goods
    • because you are well trained to handle dangerous goods
    • because you learn how to avoid dangerous goods accidents
  • We protect you
    Your product is on the safe side,
    • because your employees know how to handle it
    • because your product is treated well, that it can`t affect anyone
    • because your product is treated well, that it will not be damaged

Relieve yourself!

I would be happy to offer you the complete service as Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor.

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Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Startseite Headerbild

Ihr Partner für Gefahrgut und Tankcontainer

Your partner for dangerous goods and tank container

Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol
Consultank Lutz Harder GmbH - Gefahrgut Symbol

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